June 29, 2017
Jim Howard, WBS Board Chair, recently published an apologetics book entitled The Miracle of Man: Evidence For God from Human Nature (Resource Publications, 2017).
From the back: “What Is a Man? Biologically, we are animals–homo sapiens. But men are different, born with consciousness, reason, free will, notions of morality, and other characteristics of what we call ‘human nature.’ Why are we different? Were we created by God or are we just accidents of nature? Are you a child of the King or just a child of King Kong? This is a book of apologetics for laypeople. It looks at arguments for the existence of God and especially at those arguments that can be drawn from human nature. It argues in plain language, with illustrations and humor, that we cannot explain human nature without God, that men are miracles.”
“At a time when apologetics has become largely a technical conversation between academicians, Howard has given us a book designed to help the average lay person talk to their unbelieving friends about the deep questions they have about God and existence in a crazy world.”
-Harry Lee Poe, Charles Colson Professor of Faith and Culture, Union University
Jim Howard is an attorney in Edmonton, Kentucky, with thirty-six years of experience. He served one year as Judge on the Kentucky Court of Appeals. He is an active layman in his church, a frequent lay speaker, and serves as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Wesley Biblical Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi.
The Miracle of Man is available on Amazon.