upcoming events

2024 Chamberlain Holiness Lectures

Sept. 30–Oct. 2, 2024
This year’s lectures will feature Dr. Thomas Noble, a recent president of the Wesleyan Theological Society. A native of Scotland, Noble is a Senior Research Fellow in Theology at Nazarene Theological College in Manchester.
Among other publications, he is on the editorial team for the New Dictionary of Theology, and his most recent publication is Holy Trinity – Holy People: The Theology of Christian Perfecting. The Church of the Nazarene has commissioned him to write Christian Theology, Volume 1: The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lectures were established at WBS in 1985 through a generous donation from Ray and Marianne Chamberlain, with the goal of “Inviting the best and most outstanding exponents of scriptural holiness available.” There is no cost to attend and the lectures will be streamed online.

Alumni Reunion

August 16-18, 2024

See more information here.