October 18, 2016
Wesley Biblical Seminary strives to maintain a close community even as education becomes an increasingly online affair. With students spread out around the country and around the world, the on-campus community greatly anticipates Residency each Fall. (Residency is the two-week period in October when online students travel to Jackson for scholarship, fellowship, and worship.) Last week, online students recently wrapped up a successful 2016 Residency.

Dr. Toler speaks at Transform:ED.
During the Residency period, WBS enjoyed hosting Dr. Terry Toler for its Christian education and leadership gathering, Transform:ED. Olde Towne Community Church in Ridgeland, MS graciously provided their space to accommodate the conference. Dr. Toler shared powerfully from the Word and his heart on the topic of true worship. Terry is kindly filling in for his brother’s scheduled speaking engagements as Stan undergoes treatment for cancer. WBS and the Jackson community were blessed to hear from Terry Toler and are in prayer for Stan’s complete remission.
Other events during the first week of Residency included a brunch/open house for local pastors and a dessert reception/open house for staff, students, families, and alumni. On Friday night, friends young and old congregated for finger foods and to bless the building with a simple responsive liturgy.
During the second week of Residency, students ate together in faculty homes and listened to specialty lectures given by each member of the faculty. Attendees mentioned that they appreciated the time deepening relationships with faculty and staff, enjoyed meaningful conversations, and found encouragement to continue their studies with fervor.