
Free tuition announced for Mississippi students in the GMC Course of Study 

June 15, 2023



Course of Study


Global Methodist Church

Wesley Biblical Seminary is pleased to announce a 100% tuition scholarship for Board of Ministry-certified individuals seeking ordination with the Global Methodist Church (GMC) in the state of Mississippi who enroll in the GMC Course of Study Program at Wesley Biblical Seminary. This scholarship will make it possible for leaders to be trained, equipped, and deployed more easily for the kingdom of God through this rapidly growing new denominational movement.  

Founded in 1974, Wesley Biblical Seminary (WBS) has been serving dozens of conservative denominations in its commitment to developing trusted leaders for faithful churches. WBS is one of six GMC-recommended seminaries and the nation, and the only seminary to date to have a GMC-approved Course of Study for those seeking ordination.  

In addition to Mississippi, WBS has also partnered with the Stegall Seminary Scholarship Foundation to provide 100% tuition scholarships for those seeking GMC ordination in the South Alabama/Emerald Coast Conference (read more here). WBS is actively seeking donors to provide GMC scholarships for other states, and the seminary’s Shepherd Project provides significant support for international students. 

“Course of Study” is an alternative to a traditional seminary master’s degree that moves candidates more quickly into ministry. At WBS, Course of Study classes can count towards a degree if students desire to return for further training in the future. The Course of Study at WBS is available for both the Deacon and Elder Tracks within the denomination. 

As a GMC-partner seminary, WBS recognizes the need to impact Mississippi Methodism with an emphasis on the authority of Scripture for life and practice, along with a clear Wesleyan theological understanding. Pastors who are equipped to clearly teach and preach God’s truth and grace benefit not only the Global Methodist Church but all Mississippians. 

Changes in the largest Methodist denomination are producing an urgent need for pastoral training. The United Methodist Church was reported to have 29,598 churches in the US alone in 2021.1 Due to irreconcilable differences in practice and doctrine with the denomination, it is estimated that at least 6,500 United Methodist congregations will disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church in 2023.2 The total number of Mississippi United Methodist Churches expected to disaffiliate is estimated to be between 100 and 200 congregations.   

The Global Methodist Church will likely be the largest group to emerge out of the theologically conservative movement within the United Methodist Church. The GMC expects to have at least 5,000 churches in the US by the summer of 2024. While this time of change is difficult, WBS celebrates all that God will do in the future through the GMC and the many other faithful denominations the school serves and is honored to have a role in helping to raise up trusted leaders for their churches. 

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