
Lenten Devotional - Sat., April 9, 2022

April 09, 2022

All News and Media


Lent 2022



Day 34


A man’s steps are established by the Lord, and He takes pleasure in his way. Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed, because the Lord holds his hand.  Psalm 37:23-24

Psalm 37 shows us a great contrast between the righteous and the unrighteous man. If you read the whole chapter you will see many examples of the way God works in the life of those who follow Him.

When it comes to a God-given vision – something God has placed in your heart to accomplish – one of the biggest deterrents can be our own dreams.
What do you dream about? You know, we each have dreams. But a God-given vision is different. This is not something that would be cool to do or some destination we would like to go to or some goal we have set for ourselves – this is what God wants you to do.

When God’s vision for you comes in direct conflict with your own dreams – who wins?

Let me just suggest to you that God’s vision for you is greater, better, and more powerful that your dreams. Not only that, with God holding your hand, what can you not do? And one last thing – if you surrender yourself to God’s vision, often times your dreams come true also.

Give Up
Surrender your dreams to God. He knows what you don’t know – and he can do more than we ask or think. Don’t let your dream come in the way of God’s vision for you.

Take Up
Instead of fighting for your way, try fighting for God’s way. Take pleasure in the way He has set for you. It is the more powerful way – and God will hold your hand as you walk it.

Look Up
Our prayer for today –
Lord, I don’t want anything to come between my heart and your vision. If it means I give up my dreams – so be it. Your vision is more powerful than my dreams. Help me to surrender my dreams and trust in your vision for me.

Dr. Chris Lohrstorfer

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