April 05, 2021
WBS is proud to announce alum Dr. Caleb Friedeman as the senior edited of the recently released volume, A Scripture Index to Rabbinic Literature published by Henderson Academic. A Scripture Index to Rabbinic Literature is a comprehensive Scripture index that catalogs approximately 90,000 references to the Bible found in classical rabbinic literature. This literature comprises two categories: (1) Talmudic literature (i.e., the Mishnah and related works) and (2) midrashic literature (i.e., biblical commentary). Click here to purchase a copy.

Dr. Caleb T. Friedeman recently joined Ohio Christian University’s Religion Department as Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies. A disciple of Jesus Christ with a passion to serve the Church as a pastor-theologian, Friedeman brings to the OCU the heart of a pastor and the mind of a scholar.

Friedeman holds a B.A. in Ancient Languages from Asbury University, an M.A. in Biblical Literature from Wesley Biblical Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Biblical Theology (New Testament) from Wheaton College. His doctoral dissertation focused on the Christology of Luke chapters 1 and 2 and its relationship to the rest of Luke and Acts.
Friedeman has been active in scholarship. He is editor of Listen, Understand, Obey: Essays on Hebrews in Honor of Gareth Lee Cockerill (Pickwick, 2017), a volume to which he also contributed an essay. He has written articles for Lexham Bible Dictionary and contributed to Discovering the Septuagint: A Guided Reader by Karen Jobes (Kregel, 2016). A number of his popular-level articles appear on Seedbed.com, and he has been featured in Seedbed’s Seven Minute Seminary series. He is currently editing a substantial reference volume and plans to publish his dissertation soon.
Friedeman has a deep love for the church and is an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene, having served as Associate Pastor at DaySpring Community Church of the Nazarene (Clinton, MS) and Associate Pastor of Christian Education at Trinity Church of the Nazarene (Naperville, IL).
Of many talents, Friedeman sings and plays acoustic and electric guitars and piano. He was a featured tenor soloist in Handel’s Messiah and in 2013 sang a lead role in Les Misérables. Friedeman was a competitive powerlifter in high school and still hits the gym several times per week to stay in shape.
Visit Dr. Friedeman’s website here for more information.