March 06, 2018
Wesley Biblical Seminary has launched a new cohort of students in Mexico City. The initial cohort is composed of 20 Mexican church leaders and lay people who want to deepen their biblical understanding and be equipped for ministry.

Dr. Friedeman teaching through a translator
“Our Mexico City cohort is an incredibly exciting chance for Wesley Biblical Seminary to cross national lines and linguistic barriers to train leaders for the Church,” said Dr. Chris Lohrstorfer, vice president for academic affairs. “This cohort model is a new approach that allows us to effectively equip men and women around the world to be ministers of the gospel.”
The cohort was hosted by Monte Maria Church, whose pastor Roberto Stevenson is an alumnus of Wesley Biblical Seminary. “The week was more than we expected,” Stevenson said. “The emphasis on discipleship and spirituality is just what our key leaders need. We are looking forward to much fruit for the Kingdom from our relationship with WBS.”

Students learning through small groups
Dr. Matt Friedeman taught the initial course, Discipleship and Spiritual Formation. This class was Wesley Biblical Seminary’s first offering in Spanish and the first class conducted completely in another country.
The cohort will continue taking classes with Wesley Biblical Seminary, eventually earning a Graduate Certificate in Bible and Theology. Students in the program may continue on to earn an M.A. or M.Div. at Wesley Biblical Seminary.
Joel Hackman, who was a student in the class, said, “[T]he practical tools given to us for discipleship and personal growth were outstanding. I’m excited to see how God will orchestrate things to put them into practice.”